
World Ocean Day is celebrated annually on 8th June to raise global awareness on the benefit that humankind derives from the Oceans, and our individual and collective use of their resources sustainably. The event was designated by the United Nation in 1992 when the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Rio de Janeiro.

The International theme of this year’s World Ocean Day is “Innovation for Sustainable Oceans”. The theme is especially relevant as a precursor to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development which is from 2021 to 2030.

World Ocean Day also aims to promote the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 14 on Conservation and Sustainable use of the Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources. Also to promote Sustainable Blue Economy in the world’s coastal states including Kenya.


A number of events are being organized to celebrate World Ocean Day 2020 in Kenya These include:

  1. A public stakeholder seminar on Blue Economy organised by the East African Institute on 8th June 2020 from 2.00 to 3.30 pm. The theme of the seminar is “Towards an inclusive and Resilient Blue Economy in Kenya and Eastern Africa”.
  2. Virtual Ocean Dialogue organized by the United Nations and World Economic Forum from 1st to 5th June 2020. This virtual conference was held in place on the 2nd United Nations Oceans Conference that was supposed to be co-hosted by Portugal and Kenya in Lisbon and was postponed to a later date
  3. A stakeholder webinar on 8th June 2020 to commemorate World Ocean Day. The theme of the webinar is “Role of Science and Innovation in Sustainable Blue Growth Researchers from Kenya’s Coastal and Marine sectors will give presentations at the webinar.
  4. NEMA and Watamu Marine Association (WMA) have organized public beach clean-up exercises in Watamu on 8th June 2020 Representatives from various Government institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Private Sector, including local Hoteliers, and members of the public have been mobilized to support and participate in the event. Solid waste will be collected from the various beaches such as flip flops, plastics and glass will be taken for recycling and processing of other products at the WMA waste recycling centre in Watamu. The number of participants will be limited and safeguard measures implemented at the event in line with the Government Regulation on Covid 19.

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