Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Materials Regulations
The Environment Management and Coordination (Management of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Materials) Regulations, 2024 was enacted to law through a legal Notice No. 182, Legislative Supplement No. 88 of Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 199 of 04th November 2024.
The objective of the regulation is to ensure protection of human health and environment from adverse effects of toxic and hazardous industrial chemicals and materials; reduce risks posed by chemicals and provide for the sound management of chemicals; ensure the free movement of chemical products and to give effect to the Stockholm Convention; the Rotterdam Convention; the Minamata Convention; and any other relevant provisions of international treaties, agreements and conventions on the management of chemicals.
These Regulations shall apply to the manufacture, export, import, transport, distribution, storage, handling and disposal of toxic and hazardous industrial chemicals and materials as classified in the First Schedule.
The management of toxic and hazard chemical and materials shall be effected through provisions in the regulation, guidelines and directives that shall be issued from time to time.
Licencing and Application Procedure
All applications, registrations, notifications, and any other inquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Application Forms for the respective licences and permits are provided below:
01. Application for REGISTRATION of a Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemical or Material
04. Application for Licence to Distribute Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemicals or Materials
05. Application for Licence to Store Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemicals or Materials
06. Application for Permit to Import - Export Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemical or Materials
Payment Procedure
At the moment fees payment shall be made on the eCitizen platform. Please download the “Payment Instructions“.
Applicable Fees
The fees for each licensing regime is available in the downloadable “Fees Schedule”