
 Summary of New Regulations 2024 (EMCA & SWMA)

To extend the responsibility of a producer over a product and its packaging during the life cycle of the product or its packaging and provide a framework for the establishment and operation of mandatory extended producer responsibility schemes.

To operationalize the polluter pays principle and give effect to section 13 of the SWMA.

To provide for the prevention of land and water pollution by establishing standards for waste water management to ensure clean and healthy water resources as well as provision of standards for water for different uses.

The eleventh schedule on EDL fees for controlled facilities has been enhanced.

To provide a framework for the management of waste and abatement of pollution in line with the constitutional and statutory guarantees of ensuring clean, safe and sustainable environment for all persons.

The Regulation provides for guidance, procedures and standards for environmental governance to ensure compliance in the waste management sector

To establish a framework for the sustainable utilization of sand resources and good environmental practices during sand harvesting.

This is a novel Regulation that seeks to give effect to the erstwhile Sand Harvesting Guidelines of 2007 and devolve the sand harvesting activity.

To provide for the prevention, control and abatement of air pollution to ensure clean and healthy ambient air.

This is an improvement of the 2014 Regulations and introduces various improvements including emission testing from mobile sources.

To establish a framework for the management and control of the use of plastic packaging materials and promote the use of environmentally-friendly packaging material.

The gazette notices banning use of plastics are now finally strengthened with the force of subsidiary legislation.

To preserve and promote a clean and healthy environment for sustainable development and promote the recycling of plastic packaging material.

To ensure protection of human health and environment from adverse effects of toxic and hazardous industrial chemicals and materials and reduce risks posed by chemicals and provide for the sound management of chemicals.

To ensure the free movement of chemical products.

These Regulations have been in draft and under development since the year 2013 and are now in force.



Gazetted Regulations 2024






Public Notices

1. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Plastics Regulations 2024

2. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waste Management Regulations, 2024 

3. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)) Regulations 2024

4. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Sand Harvesting Regulations, 2024

5. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Sand Transporters


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