
There are two Kenya Climate Change Adaptation Fund Programme sites in Kajiado County these include Loitokitok sub-county site, managed by Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), and Kajiado west sub-county managed by Nasaru community Based organization. The project sites in Kajiado addresses programme Component 1: Enhancing Climate Change resilience for improved food security and Component 2: Establishing Climate Change resilient water management systems to enhance food security. 

During the implementation of the Programme, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) in collaboration with various stakeholders will promote climate resilient agricultural, agro-forestry, pastoral and agro-pastoral production systems to improve food security in the area. The institute together with collaborating partners will also spearhead water conservation and harvesting technologies, promotion of efficient cooking technologies and charcoal production kilns to reduce risks associated with climate change and improve the adaptive capacity of selected vulnerable communities in the area. 

kajiadoThe programme through KEFRI is distributing grafted Mangoes and citrus fruit trees and drought tolerant seeds, drought resilient grass, fodder and forage, hay making equipment’s, and construction of Food storage, bulking center for storing hay and demonstration on Value addition for selected fruits. Further the programme seeks to rehabilitate livestock watering points and along rivers and construction of water pans at various location.

KEFRI through the adaptation fund programme is also creating awareness on climate change, impacts and adaptation through, publications, meetings and Radio programme. On the other hand programme through NASARU Community Based Organization is addressing food security through distribution and planting of drought tolerant seeds of orphaned crops and introducing micro- irrigation kits for kitchen gardens. The programme is also distributing of drought tolerant fodder and fodder making equipment’s as well as training farmers on hay making. The programme seeks to address strengthen the community livelihood through distribution of Aloe Vera seedlings to households and training farmers in Aloe processing.

Through NASARU the programme is constructing water pans and water troughs.




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